Program of the 43rd Annual Meeting

Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.

(Available at Time of Meeting)

All advertisements must meet the following criteria to be included in the Program Booklet:

Full Page 5 3/8" wide X 8 1/2" high $100

Half Page 5 3/8" wide X 4 1/4" high $ 75

Total: $ _____________

Make checks payable to:

The Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.

Please return this application with your advertisement and check to:

David Boyes, Treasurer

P.O. Box 438

Barrington, RI 02806

Remember, the first received gets first choice!!

Date Received: ____________ Check #: ______

Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting

Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.,

December 9 - 11, 1996

Mystic, Connecticut

(Available in Fall of 1997)

All advertisements must meet the following criteria to be included in the Proceedings Book:

Total: $ __________

Make checks payable to:

The Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.

Please return this application with your advertisement and check to:

David Boyes, Treasurer

P.O. Box 438

Barrington, RI 12806

Remember, the first received gets first choice!

Date received: ____________ Check #: ______

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