NMCA Mosquito ID Class – 2020


The NMCA Executive Board has organized a mosquito identification class for interested NMCA members at the Cape Cod Community College on May 15 from 9am-3pm. Lunch will be provided free of charge for all participants and is sponsored by Central Life Sciences. There will be 3 CEU credits for Massachusetts pesticide applicators in categories 46, 47, and the CORE license. There is no cost to attend this class.


First preference is given to current NMCA members, please check this link for information on membership in NMCA: http://www.nmca.org/membership.htm


Registration is now open and is limited to 20 participants, first come first served – please click the button below and register individually. Thank you.










9:00 – 10:20

Introduction to Mosquito Morphology and Genera

Kaitlyn O’Donnell, Entomologist, Norfolk County Mosquito Control




10:30 – 11:50

A is for Aedes

Todd Duval, Entomologist, Bristol County Mosquito Control





Lunch provided by Central Life Sciences



1:00 – 1:50

The 3 C’s:  Culex, Culiseta, Coquillettidia

Doug Bidlack, Entomologist, East Middlesex Mosquito Control




2:00 – 2:50  

Potpourri of Species

Ellen Bidlack, Entomologist, Plymouth County Mosquito Control



This event would not be possible without the efforts of the NMCA Executive Board, especially Gabrielle Sakolsky & Priscilla Matton.